Our Impact: Yevhen’s Story
“My name is Yevhen (Zhenya) Kovalchuk. I was born on April 18, 1991 in Kyiv with cerebral palsy. That's why my parents rejected me almost immediately. I was sent to a children's home, and from there at the age of 5 (1996) to the Tsyurupinsky (now Oleshkivskyi) orphanage-boarding home for orphans and children with various types of illnesses (from the mildest to the most severe), where I grew up, was brought up and studied to 18 years old, and also where I became interested in learning foreign languages and also started writing poetry.
In 2009, I continued my studies at the F. G. Ananchenko Kharkiv Boarding School of Accounting and Economics, where I obtained a full secondary education and majored in Social Work
In 2012, after graduating from a technical school, I entered in the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv at the Faculty of Culture and Arts, where I majored in "Information, Library and Archive Affairs" for 6 years, obtaining a master's degree.
Since March 1, 2018, I have been working as a librarian in the Lviv Regional Library for Youth named after Roman Ivanichuk.
I would like to publish my first complete collection of poems "War. Victory. Peace", as well as a dream to visit Spain.”
-Yevhen Kowalchuk